Food for thought (not wrapped in plastic!)
Plastic use in the UK is so pervasive that we all have had to adjust our lives to accommodate it. After every trip to my local supermarke for example, I diligently set about peeling off the numerous layers of plastic wrapped around fresh fruit and veg. Separating and disposing of throwaway plastic is one task I would gladly skip if given a choice. And with mostly everything preweighed, packed, and sanitised, weekly food shop is devoid of much joy that is drawn from using our senses to find the best fruits of nature. In contrast, my trips as a child to the local 'subzi mandi' (vegetable market) with Babaji were a riot of smells, textures, and colours. With fresh fruit and veg displayed in open carts and stalls, vendors exercised infinite precision to form beautiful patterns. And an intoxicating earthy smell swept through the air as stalls were sprinkled with water on those sultry evenings. Babaji and I would shuffle our way through the narrow path, going from stall to stal...